Partners for resilience

The Partners for Resilience (PfR) is an alliance of the Netherlands Red Cross (lead agency), CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, and Wetlands International. The PfR aim to reduce the impact of natural hazards on the livelihoods of around 400,000 vulnerable people worldwide.


De voedselzekerheid in ontwikkelingslanden verbeteren door boeren weerbaarder te maken tegen de invloeden van klimaatveranderingen. Dat is het doel van Community Climate Change Resource, een project van het Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederland (CGN), het Centrum voor Gewassysteemanalyse en de leerstoelgroep Technologie en agrarische ontwikkeling

SNV ́s Approach: Climate Smart Agriculture

SNV is promoting climate smart  agriculture (CSA) solutions, working  with local partners, the private sector  and cocoa producers, to adapt to  climate change and build resilience  through market driven initiatives.
Cocoa cooperatives incorporate Improved Agroforestry System, in  order to increase farm productivity,  improve food and nutrition security,
promote biodiversity conservation  and provide a variety of important products and services.


JIN Climate and Sustainability is a knowledge centre focusing on climate change policy issues in general and the concept of emissions trading in particular. JIN was established in 1995 and is based in Groningen (the Netherlands). Since 2001, JIN has regularly worked on EU-funded projects in the areas of climate change, sustainable development, energy efficiency and development and transfer of technologies for climate and development. JIN is a regular advisor to the UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Climate secretariat (UNFCCC) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on low-emission and climate-resilient pathways for developing countries.


A global challenge: Feeding the future

  • The food producers of our planet face the extraordinary challenge of feeding 9 billion people by the year 2050. As a consequence of climate change, there will be a growing competition in using water and finding fertile land. Further, reliable weather forecasts for food producers are scarcely available in developing countries.
  • Science and technology can help to improve this situation by empowering the most important actors in the food production chain: farmers, fishermen and pastoralists. Providing the right information at the right time to food producers can help to improve and increase food production in a sustainable manner thus ensuring food security on a global scale.


Stichting Climate Adaptation Services (CAS) is een non-profit organisatie die producten en diensten biedt om te anticiperen op de gevolgen van klimaatverandering.

CAS ondersteunt beleidsmakers, bestuurders en professionals bij het verkrijgen van inzicht in (lokale) klimaateffecten en reikt methoden en tools aan die helpen bij het klimaatbestendig maken van gebieden.